Thursday, July 09, 2009

Sharpies and Duct Tape

I have always loved Sharpies. They are so fun to doodle with. This is a white scooter helmet that I found at a yard sale. Initially, I wanted to paint black cabbage roses on it. However, my black cabbage roses need more practice. Instead, I grabbed a trusty medium point Sharpie and drew my interpretation of chrysanthemums on it. I like the way it turned out.

These are the duct tape flowers that Lulu and I made the other day, along with the white cabbage roses I made.

A closer look at one of my roses. This is an original design and much prettier than any of the other duct tape flowers I've seen out there. Martha Stewart, I can demonstrate these on your me.
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The Milkshake said...

cool helmet and what awesome duct tape flowers!!!

Unknown said...

These are v. cool roses. Do you have tutorial set up some place?

your new pal from facebook ;)