Sunday, November 22, 2009

Baby Abraham

Yes, we finally got a pet pig. His name is Abraham. He's pretty cute. Scott has wanted one forever so know he's got one.
Made an excellent pasta dish tonight:
Pantry Pesto Pasta
1 lb whole wheat spaghetti
1/2 cup chopped roasted red peppers (I used jarred ones)
1 heaping t minced olives
2 T pesto
1/2 c heavy cream
1 egg
Cook the pasta per the directions. While its cooking mix remaining ingredients in a bowl and stir thoroughly. Drain pasta and toss with sauce. Makes 4-6 servings.
I might also add some walnuts, chipotle, or shredded spinach. You can do a lot with this.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

First Fall Excursion of 2009

Reverse order because I can't figure out Blogger. This is Jaemor Farms, which is just up 365/985, not too far from us.
This was taken on our hayride. The pumpkins are looking fine!

Della on the hayride.

Lucy and Daddy on the hayride.

Another view of the farms. Reminds me of France in some ways.

We did the mini-corn maze and you had to dip your fingers in the paint stations, one color on each finger. Your pattern determined your forture. This was Scott's.

This could not have been more appropriate for Della.

This was Lucy's.

This was mine.

We had a nice time.

Friday, September 25, 2009

The flu has found us.

Just after we all got over a nasty cold, Lu has come down with the flu. Not sure what kind (Type A or swine) but it doesn't really matter. Poor baby girl. She's down for the count.

I've been dyeing a lot of slips lately. I am trying to get good and stocked for the holidays. I've also started listing some hats. I am also making some wreaths to take up the the gallery. I found 4 wreath forms at a yard sale and Lord knows I have enough stuff to whip up some pretty holiday things.

Last year, I made a bunch of "Lipstick on a Pig" ornaments and I still have some that didn't sell. If I can re-work them and get the lipstick off, they will become Swine '09 ornaments.

Hunting season is here and Scott will have some wonky hours. But that also means its soup season and I am looking forward to getting my soup on.

What a mess here in Atlanta with all of this rain. According to our rain gauge, we got 13 inches over a week. Our creek didn't get near the bank, which I think is a benefit of having a big hole (Lake Lanier) for it to drain into.

But wow....all of the pictures sure do bring back memories of the floods in S. Georgia in 1994 - the brown much, the water lines, the piles of garbage outside homes. I will have to scan some photos. That is also when Scott and I started dating. We worked together but didn't know each other well. We were sent down as a "disaster team" to work in a disaster center and to help people clean their water wells. The man had me laughing my ass of on the drive down. I pretty much knew then I was going to marry him.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Good News, Bad News

Well, the bad news is that Malcolm's time with us has come to an end. I finally found his owner's via Craigslist. I had been searching CL, the local papers and daily since we got him. And while I had been searching Lost & Found on CL, I didn't know there was a separate section for Pets. Yesterday, I found the listing there. Turns out his owners miss him and were quite distraught about his disappearance. His name is actually Spike and he is just 5 years old. He's quite large for being so young.
We've all enjoyed our time with Spike/Malcolm but I am very happy that he is loved and missed and will be reunited with his owners. I know they will be happy too. We looked at the address of his home and where was found on mapquest. Looks like he managed to travel 1/2 mile away from home over the two days between the time he left and the time Scott picked him up. That is quite a distance!
So long Spike/Malcolm! We sure enjoyed our time with you.

Friday, September 04, 2009

And more pictures.

Jumping on the trampoline.
Lucy models her first day outfit. Della has the same shirt in her size because I am a dork like that.

More trampoline fun.

Lucy wasn't so fond of Malcolm at first but she's come around. Fun story about this picture. Lucy kept saying, "I smell poop." Well, I looked all around her and couldn't find it. I said maybe one of the dogs pooped outside the fence.
Turned out she was sitting in it. Ewwwwww.

More pictures.

This is me, tarted up with make-up like a French whore for Mom's Night Out.

This is Scott, none too happy that Lucy is taking his photo. I adore my lime green kitchen (and my adorable grizzly man hunk of a hubby.)

Obligatory photo of Malcolm. He is still doing well. He loves our weeds, bok choy, and collards.

Our MOMS Club did a field trip to the local Humane Society and Della got to walk a dog. I think this is about 2 seconds before she stepped in a pile of dog crap. She did enjoy walking her puppy though!
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Monday, August 24, 2009

More on Malcolm

We are really enjoying him/her. There is still some debate as to what sex we have. Regardless, Malcolm is quite social. He loves to follow us around the yard and he mowed down a whole squash yesterday which the girls loved.

I was poking around on a tortoise forum and they say Malcolm looks quite healthy with clear eyes and all that.

I'll spare you pictures of his first poop but it was rather interesting and a good sign that things are moving along.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Turtles, MNO and Entrepreneurs

Recently, we had our MOMS Club Mom's Night Out at Loco's in Gainesville for Trivia Night. We started out strong but then after a few drinks and more interest in conversation, we didn't do so well. Our team name? The Real Housewives of Gainesville. :P Our sign says "We don't just wipe asses - we kick them too."

This is Malcolm, an African spur thigh tortoise. Scott got a call about it roaming in someone's yard. We are apparently keeping it. He really is GORGEOUS.

Some men get convertibles or motorcycles - not my husband! I guess he gave up on getting the tea cup potbelly pig.

The girls wanted to have a lemonade stand but we live on a super rural road and had no lemonade. Daddy was outside weed-wacking so I told them to set up a beer stand (and some diet Sunkist). They ended up with $8. Not bad for an hour's worth of work....
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Sunday, August 09, 2009

Our First Family Camping Trip

We took our first family camping trip this weekend! I have been waiting for this for years. Scott booked us at a lovely campground called Jackrabbit in the Nantahala National Forest in North Carolina. It was only 54 miles from the house, just over the state line near Hiawassee. We were right on Lake Chatuge. There was a wonderful beach area which we really enjoyed. We grilled hamburgers, ate 'smores, had a nice 2 mile hike and had a really great time. Well, Scott broke his toe which wasn't too fun, but that was our only big crisis.

View of the fire ring. Scott broke his toe on the metal grill while stumbling around in the dark.

On our hike, we spotted some spectacular fungi. (I have a thing for mushrooms like Scott has a thing for herps.) I saw several that I hadn't seen before. I'd seen this coral fungus before but this was the best picture I had - it was getting dark and my pics weren't so great.

The girls on our hike. I always bring up the rear because I like to look for stuff. Notice Della's blue sequin shoes.

Our beautiful tent, a gift from my parent's last Christmas. Being very claustrophobic, I wanted something very big. This one fits the bill. Easy to set up and break down too. Love it.

The girls upon arrival. They had a really great time, the 'smores being their favorite part.
It was quite warm but we went to the beach to swim both days and it was quite tolerable. I can't wait to go again.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Gardening, Reading and Frelling Anxiety

I finally managed to enter my Duct Tape Wedding Bouquet in the Etsy Martha Stewart DIY Wedding contest. I don't think for a second I will win but the exposure is nice. I also found out I've been featured on at least one fashion blog lately. I need to read my Google Alerts more often I guess.

The garden seems to be petering out, perhaps due to a lack of rain. I've put up a TON of green beans and bread & butter pickles plus blueberry jam. I am still hoping to get some peach jam done, as well as fig and quince plus apple sauce and apple butter.

My etsy shop is cranking along. I need to get moving on winter hats and scarves. I will be making some wreathes as well but those will likely end up at the gallery depending on how many I have.

I've been having a very hard time lately with my anxiety. Its been really crippling to where I don't want to leave the house. I've had anxiety all of my life to some degree but it really seemed to skyrocket after Lulu was born. Its been in various stages of control since then. When it gets bad, it gets very bad. When we first moved to Gainesville, I went about 6 weeks without leaving the house without Scott. Its very scary when its bad.

School is just 2 weeks away. Lucy cannot wait to go back despite my keeping her busy with the pool, the garden, learning to cook, reading and math challenges. We went tubing last weekend and it was so crowded. I am really looking forward to camping when the weather cools off some.

As for reading, I am currently engrossed in Love Stories of WWII compiled by Larry King. I am still plodding through East of Eden by John Steinbeck and I have Love in the Time of Cholera on its way to me. I've been itching to read some classics lately.

Right now, I am just getting by. I do so want to get past this.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Our harvest totals so far...

Every year, I mean to tally our harvest totals. This year, I finally remembered to do it. I thought it would be fun to see how much we harvest and use it as a math teaching tool for the girls. I am only tracking yellow squash, tomatoes, green beans, and cukes as the other items are not as plentiful. So far, we've harvested:

16 lbs of yellow squash

9 lbs of tomatoes

22 lbs of green beans

5.5 lbs of cukes

Pretty impressive, I'd say for a small garden like our's. We've eaten most of it. I've frozen some green beans and we'll give some to the local food pantry. I am hoping they will take it frozen, which I think would be much more useful to folks if they don't have to eat it immediately.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Sharpies and Duct Tape

I have always loved Sharpies. They are so fun to doodle with. This is a white scooter helmet that I found at a yard sale. Initially, I wanted to paint black cabbage roses on it. However, my black cabbage roses need more practice. Instead, I grabbed a trusty medium point Sharpie and drew my interpretation of chrysanthemums on it. I like the way it turned out.

These are the duct tape flowers that Lulu and I made the other day, along with the white cabbage roses I made.

A closer look at one of my roses. This is an original design and much prettier than any of the other duct tape flowers I've seen out there. Martha Stewart, I can demonstrate these on your me.
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Wednesday, July 08, 2009

The Deer

You can imagine my surprise when Scott brought his work home with him today. This is the fawn that was turned over to Scott today. It was hit by a car and some folks were taking care of it. She's very sweet. She is missing part of her back leg. She is going to a wildlife rehabber tomorrow morning. In the meantime, she is in our bath tub. The girls have named her Fifi the Fawn.

Deer in the Tub

View from the door of the girl's bathroom. Good news is that we've found a place to take it. The girls and I will take her tomorrow.
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Monday, June 29, 2009

Terrariums and other stuff.

So the girls and I made terrariums a few weeks ago. They are still doing great! In fact, we are making a bunch to sell at the Farmer's Market here in town. I ordered some little plastic critters (Big Foots, deer, bunnies) in addition to the handmade mushrooms we made. So the plan is that the terrariums will be $10 and that will include the accessory of your choice. (The big foots are so cool.) They really do make great gifts for anyone and they are so easy to take care of.

The beans have pretty much gone insane. Scott picked around 15 lbs the other day. We have given a bunch away to neighbors and relatives, in addition to eating them with every meal. These are a bush bean, different from the ones we grew last year. They are not nearly as stringy, which is nice. I can pretty much just rinse them off and cook them without having to string them. We've had a few tomatoes and a good bit of squash, as well.

I finally sat down and got some things done on the computer that I had been putting off. One was to get my domain to redirect to my etsy shop. So hooray is up and running. I've also updated my flickr with a bunch of pics. I am still in the process of getting my kid's shop,, up.

Scott turns 40 this month (July 14)! I promised him I would not send a stripper to work or otherwise embarrass him any more than usual. Luckily (insert sarcasm), he has his first furlough day coming up and I've planned for us to go to the Georgia Aquarium. We've never been so it will be fun. I am also planning for us to try and eat somewhere fun, maybe at one of our old faves. Is Tortilla's still open? I'm afraid I wouldn't recognize some of our old stomping grounds. Maybe we'll even show the girls our old house in East Atlanta.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

In the Garden...

We have about 7 apples on our 3 apple trees.

Our garden.

The girls show just how much they love green beans.
I realize that I duplicated some of the Florida pics. I am trying to upload pics, blog, watch the news, and make mushrooms for our terrariums out of clay.

Our garden is coming along. We have planted green beans, tomatoes, corn, yellow squash, cucumbers, onions, asparagus, pumpkins, potatoes, jalapenos, red bell peppers, eggplant - I think that is everything.


Della Fern at the beach.
This was a state park called DeLeon Springs near Deland. We took an ecohistory boat tour here and saw 4 alligators, 2 limpkins, 4 osprey, a bumch of morehens, and a couple tri-color heron.

Lucy at the beach. Matching bathing suits courtesy of Gramma.

Lucy loved this recumbant bike. We rented these one day and Lucy loved it so much we rented one for her again the next day.
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